Monday, 29 April 2013

An Introduction to the 21st Century Learner

Greetings Readers! Thank you for taking the time to come check out my blog. Let's jump right in...

The face of Canadian Education is changing. Whether we want to admit it or not, the rapid growth of technology and globalization has impacted the way our students think and learn. For the first time in history, students and children are teaching adults about something - the computer, and the world wide web. This is no small feat. Looking back at some of the things I was asked by parents, they were funny at the time - however, also fuelled with resistance to change. "I don't even know how to turn a computer on" "I'll just write it out by hand, who needs to type" "What's a twitter, and how do I twit?" and "I just got faceplant Rox, and I have 19 friends. How many do you have?" were a few of my favourites. Those were topped off only by a moment in the early 2000's that I will never forget. "I LOST ALL MY WORK WHERE DID IT GO?" Insert a 15 minute freak out and crying session by my irate, distraught mother. "Mama, it's called Cut and Paste". However, I have seen my parents, now in their late 60's, evolve into relatively computer-literate folk. I don't believe in the expression "If you can't beat em - join em", for the sheer fact that you could be compromising your values and beliefs, in order to join the norm or dominant group. No matter what your views on education are (Constructivist, Functionalist, Weberian, Positivist, Marxist, Meritocratic etc.) you must take a step, no, make that a leap - into the 21st Century. It is time for teachers to make computers, and innovative technologies their friends, rather than shy away from them. And this is exactly what some Ministries of Education in Canada are doing.

The Artist, The Educator and The Activist blog will focus on the concept of the 21st Century Learner, taken from the Government of Alberta's Framework for Student Learning. The visual below is a great way to understand the direction of education in Alberta. While Alberta is a front-runner in changing the face of education as we know it, it also appears to be the route that Canadian education is taking. In this blog posting, I will summarize concept of the 21st Century Learner, as stated by the Alberta Government, and also discuss one element in the chart - Critical Thinking. 

Please take a look at the chart below...

The concept is clear - the student is the 21st Century Learner. The student is the pinnacle of this chart, they are front and centre, meaning the discussions around curriculum is all based around them. The student is required to be literature and numerate, however, not in the traditional sense of reading, and writing. Students are now required to be competent in a variety of areas which are listed as: 

Digital Literacy
Lifelong Learning
Self Direction and Personal Management
Collaboration and Leadership
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Creativity and Innovation
Social Responsibility, and Cultural, Global and Environmental Awareness

Students are asked to "be" all of these things, while continuing to select traditional subjects/disciplines such as Math, English, and Visual Art. The learning outcomes from these subject areas are the ways students can connect and better understand the above mentioned competencies. When all is said and done, students should be "Engaged Thinkers, Ethical Citizens who hold an Entrepreneurial Spirit." To summarize the document "The Framework for Student Learning outlines the relationships among literacy, numeracy, competencies and subject/discipline areas essential for students to become engaged thinkers and ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit." (Click for Source).

The first impression I get when reading this is... Wow! This is great... We are really moving in the right direction. What could be more important than a student thinking critically about their social location, and how they are going to navigate the world? As an educator and activist, certain spots in the chart jump out at me right away (which I will be blogging about in the future). However, I truly believe that many of these competencies work very closely together, and for the most part are interconnected. How can one collaborate without communicating effectivity? 

What does interest me is... as an educator... how do you assess your students based on these competencies? For example, if a student's personal views do not align with yours, are you able to remove your biases for a fair assessment? How do you assess creativity? The questions could go on and on!

One of the most challenging competencies for teachers and students is Critical Thinking. Why you ask? Well, a majority of people simply do not think critically and accept the world for what it is. I make this statement as someone who identifies as a Critical Thinker, and someone who has spoken to many teachers who are simply reproducing the status-quo. Another reason is simply getting that dialogue into the classroom. How do you talk about something like White Privilege

I stumbled upon an incredible resource called The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools . This resource is written by Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder. The authors define Critical Thinking as an "art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it" (pg. 2). The comprehensive guide discusses why Critical Thinking is important. 

The guide (among many incredible things) discusses the concepts of the Elements of Thought, Universal Intellectual Standards, and Intellectual Traits which are standards that ensure quality in line with thinking and reasoning. 

The Elements of Thought include
Point of View
Questions at Issue
Interpretation and Inference
Concepts, Assumptions, and Implications

Universal Intellectual Standards

Intellectual Traits
Confidence in Reason

*These traits are then compared to their antithesis, for example: Intellectual Humility vs. Intellectual Arrogance or Intellectual Integrity vs. Intellectual Hypocrisy.

It is concluded that critical thinkers must be able to apply the Universal Intellectual Standards to the Elements of Thought, as we develop our Intellectual Traits.

Let us go back to the Universal Intellectual Standards. I find these to be at the centre of Critical Thinking. These are incredibly relevant when talking to students about their oral or written work and their general point of view, which can sometimes be plagued by assumptions. I have posted a few associated questions that you could ask a student in order to check their thinking and reasoning. Sometimes all it takes is a little a push, or someone simply asking the question "Why is this so"? These are written in the first person, as you could also give these to your students as a self check-list. These examples are taken from a Sociology course at Brock University, taught by Mary-Beth Raddon

Clarity  - Did I give an example? Is it clear what I mean by this? Could I elaborate further?
Accuracy - How do I know this? Is this true? How could I check or verify this?
Precision - Can I be more specific? Have I provided sufficient details?
Relevance - How does this relate to the issue being discussed?
Depth - Why is this so? What are some of the complexities here? What would it take for this to happen? Would this be easy to do?
Breadth - Would this look the same from the perspective of...? Is there another way to interpret what this means?
Logic - Does what I said at the beginning fit with what I concluded at the end? Do my conclusions match the evidence that I have presented?
Significance - Is this the most important issue to focus on? Is this the most significant problem to consider?
Fairness - Have I represented this viewpoint in such a way that the person who holds it would agree with my characterization?

Colleagues, students and readers of this blog... now is your time to weigh in! How do you teach your students about Critical Thinking? How do they become critical thinkers? Have you used similar comments like the ones provided in the Universal Intellectual Standards? How do you assess Critical Thinking? I would love to hear your thoughts, questions, or comments.

Stay tuned next week for my blog about Ethical Citizenship and Critical Thinking!

Much love,

The Artist, The Educator and The Activist


Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon - SOCI 2F60 Assessment Guide, 10 standards of Critical Thinking


  1. Rox,

    That is a great quote, "can't beat em- join em", but at the end of the day I agree with you that there is so many positives in terms of learning that can be beneficial for adults to learn how to use technology in a way that interests them. Some adults now have no choice but to dive in head first because their jobs require new literacy, basic skills, and technology training.

    Teaching my parents how to use their new cell phone was a painful experience I had to encounter recently. It was a great learning experience for myself because for something that is so simple and something I considered "easy", was a difficult task for some others. They are ok with going on the computer, Microsoft word, and checking their emails; outside that realm arises a lot of distress and un-comfortability.

    The diagram provided shows that education is moving in an upward direction because those are a lot of great elements that are providing teachers strategies to encourage students critical thinking. Every student is different and has their unique traits, how to encourage students to incorperate their interests in learning is something I feel is encouraging, and a great motivation for students to take

    Well said,

    Travis Gibbons

  2. This is a very interesting blog. You seem to really understand 21st Century Learning and the need to move in that direction. I like that you gave specifics on how to get there. I did go to a seminar with Patti Clayton where I learned about the Universal Intellectual Standards you offer here. I tried to use them as a guide for reflective writing that was also critical in nature. Surprisingly I did not find that it was very helpful to students who took the list and synthesized it a bit and came up with a very simple rubric that seemed helpful. Maybe it the very act of synthesis that promoted ownership. ? You did a good job with your links and have a good sense of how to write a blog. Good skills for an activist!

    1. Hey All

      Thanks for your replies! Susan, I'd love to hear more about your seminar with Patti Clayton - a reflection guru. I have studied her work for a few years, and have seen students put some of her models into action. For me, it's watching students have those "A-HA!" moments, after they reflect on some of their work. It's pretty powerful when student realizes that their work was riddled with assumptions.


  3. Rox!

    You know I loved this post for so many reasons but let's start slow.

    As an educator, I have accepted that I am a lifelong learner and therefore I am comfortable learning from my students, no matter what the topic. Therefore, I am totally for my students helping me when it comes to technology. Although I feel I am quite technologically advanced, there are times that I will ask students to set up the projector for me or navigate the computer. I think this teaches students that it's ok to not know something and therefore it's ok to ask for help. This also teaches students to be active members of the classroom, becoming critically engaged in what they are learning... which leads to my next point.

    It is SO important that we allow our students to grow as critical, global, ethical citizens. An effective citizen extends beyond the community to a global scale, and the best way to achieve this is through technology. You can bring your students on a field trip to a third world country right in your classroom and they will be able to begin actively engaging and thinking about what it means to not have the privilege so many North Americans have become accustomed to. How amazing is that? It's epic! Students no longer have to be bored by reading history textbooks or encyclopedias, instead we can watch YouTube videos and listen to podcasts about amazing things that are happening all over the world. It gives me shivers just thinking about it.

    You and I are on the same page my friend, as always.


  4. Hi Rox,

    The definition of critical thinking as an art form that improves thinking is elegant and visual. I would even suggest that the art of critical analysis can transform thinking and the developing being practicing it.

    I am currently following professional development designed to improve my skill in creating critical challenges. Throughout the training assessment for, as and of learning have been a focus. Questions arise about how to assess the use or skill level of the critical thinking itself. You identified some concerns for assessment with the education model from Alberta and I think that critical thinking itself fits into those. How do we know that someone is thinking critically, especially, as you also caution, if they arrive at a conclusion in complete opposition to our own?

    The question framework, from the sociology course, is both student and teacher friendly. The questions seek out unspoken values and prejudices and get at the heart of critical thinking “why”. When I am working with very young children, I ask a lot of why questions. It is a beginning step to providing them with the vocabulary to express inner thoughts and the time to practice thinking about an action, feeling, or event.

    In the creative arts, I encouraged my students to explain artistic choices from colour to object placement. At first, they struggle and resist, but I provide examples of artists’ works along with stories or biographical accounts of choices made. As my students become more comfortable with making purposeful, artistic decisions their work takes on richer and deeper levels and they are more willing to take greater risks with subjects (racism, bullying, family situations) within their works of art, movement pieces, music choices and dramatic elements.

    I believe that critical thinking is not just a skill for learning in school; it is the life skill that supports problem solving, decision making, and the responsibility of citizenship (personal, family, local, national, global and universal).

    I look forward to our future conversations and reading more.

